Linux Transitions

– makes simpler, faster, greener, more affordable open source Linux operating systems and software accessible to not-so-geeky consumers.

Does your Windows® PC Drive You Nuts?

  • Sick of viruses and spyware?
  • Frustrated with slow performance?
  • Fed up with crashes and rebooting?
  • Tired of expensive hard to use apps?
  • Replacing your PCs way too often?
  • Put off by outrageous Apple prices?
  • Feeling lost and alone in Windows 8?
  • Ready to try something new  (but always thought Linux was just for geeks?)

Ready to Try Something New?

ResQ USB Drive Products

Bootable Linux Drives are self-contained usb flash and hard drives that are preloaded with a complete, ready to use Linux operating system, thoughtfully configured by us with a full suite of useful application software and a handy user manual. They give new life to PC hardware that is too often thrown away, providing a simpler, more reliable alternative to your old Windows-based software.

Will I Lose My Old Windows Software and Files?

Nothing is removed from or installed on your existing Windows hard drive. Your new Linux operating system and application software run directly from the Linux Flash Drive. You need only plug in a Linux Drive, boot your PC from it and log in to rescue and give new life to your slow, unreliable notebook or laptop computer.  You can access your hard drive and your old files, while running Linux. And the preinstalled word processor, spreadsheet and office software is compatible with your old Windows file formats. If you ever need to run your old Windows applications, just boot Windows from your hard drive. It will be there as you left it, just as slow and frustrating as ever.

Can I Seriously Run My Linux Operating from a USB Flash Drive? 

DSC_2909avgaLinux Transitions systems and services are built on the proven, lean, Xubuntu Linux operating system and are specially tuned for performance on USB flash drives. We’ve found that careful attention to device formatting, memory requirements and bandwidth are key to making flash drive systems practical and reliable. While many standard Linux distributions, or distros, are configured for demonstration purposes on USB drives, our configurations are designed for everyday use on USB drives. We also test and recommend the latest flash drive hardware products that work especially well with our Linux configurations.

Are Linux Transitions Drives Ready to Use?

We have interviewed more than a hundred of non-geeky consumers in the real world to better understand your personal computing needs: busy Moms, doting grandparents, hurried students and more, across kitchen tables, coffee shop counters and living room couches. As a result, our systems include a thoughtful selection of application software for handling your web needs, office documents, photos, music and much more. Hundreds of additional Linux applications are available, free of charge, from an easy to use Software Center. If you need help customizing your Linux Transitions system to fit your exact needs, we’re always available for a reasonable hourly rate.

But Are They Easy to Use?

Consumers have told us that ease of use is a top priority, and we’ve taken that to heart in Linux Transitions systems– from the desktop screen layout, to the application selection, to the printed user manual book. There is a common stereotype that Linux requires typing instructions into a “Command Line Interface” (CLI) that only geeks can understand. In truth, many Linux versions have evolved very sophisticated graphic user interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use.  Linux Transition systems are designed to be used from the graphics desktop. (Though you are welcome to use the CLI any time you wish to get your geek on!) Unlike Windows 8 and several new Linux versions, our desktop screen is familiar to consumers, with a similar layout to Windows XP and Windows 7. The task bar, with window buttons and status icons, is on the bottom, where you expect it. There is a prominent Menu button (or “Start” button, missing entirely in Windows 8) in the lower left corner, where you expect it. It gives you instant access to all of your installed applications, organized by category.  Every preinstalled application is selected for ease of use and familiarity to consumers. We love geeks. We are geeks, but with our solutions you don’t have to be one to use Linux.

A Real User Manual Book Printed on Real Paper

manualcoverEvery Linux Transitions system comes with a printed User Manual, authored by founder Dr. Kelley Winters. It is written for consumers, not computer science wizards.  It walks you through every step of starting up, logging in, connecting to the net, finding your files, surfing the web, using applications, and customizing your desktop and system.  Updates and supplemental instructions are available at the web site.

Need Even Better Performance?


If you want Linux to be your primary operating system or need the ultimate performance, we can transfer your Linux Transitions system and files to your hard drive, or to a second hard drive in your existing PC or notebook. Or we can customize a brand new Linux desktop,  notebook or ultrabook to fit your unique needs. Let us build a one-of-a-kind Linux PC, just for you.